
Apr 4, 2016

My Week in Pictures #13

My baby and I,  he is my third child...

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are having a great Monday on your corner of the world.  Here in Toronto spring has yet to arrive,   it seems winter does not want to leave.  We are under a severe cold alert and have at least 5-10 cm of snow on the ground...  

As usual, i have used the weather to my advantage when it came to capturing my life, here are some of the highlights.

 We thought that glorious days like this (on Wednesday) were ahead.  Finally everything was budding, and long walks around the park were welcomed... Now everything is covered in snow once again.

My baby loves to walk along the river path behind our apartment building;  his thrill is finding little sticks he can play with and mess the carpet with.   Here he is showing off his latest find.

 As always since i stay at home, most of my pictures revolve around my kids, but especially my little Poochie...  He is one of my muses, but lately he has been starting to lose power on his back legs, so we need to find incentives to have him walk and build some muscle.  I try to encourage him by bribing him with treats.  

he loves these mini cookies

My son has been a soccer player since he was 6 years old.  Now at 15, he is still playing all year round, but life is starting to blossom for him, and slowly soccer is going to the backburner.  I am glad, I have carried my camera to every single one of his games, and have traveled with his teams.  So what better way to capture this chapter of his life than taking  a snapshot.

He is so tall now...

The weekend is the best time to capture  my entire family together.  This weekend because of the snowfall, we were indoors most of the time, so a lot of crafting happened.   I am so glad that my daughter is slowly learning to document her life, and is always finding her style. 

Finally, i have to show you what i see some mornings from my balcony.   I am amazed at the beauty God has created and we don't appreciate...

Sunrise in Toronto

I hope you are also picking up your camera, and capturing the little things of life...

See you soon

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