
Feb 29, 2016

My Week In Pictures #8

My kids and I at my nephew's 3rd birthday party.


February has come and gone,  it seems 2016 is quickly passing by.  As always, my cameras have been busy capturing little glimpses of my family's life and our everyday.  Here are a sample  of the best of this week.

 My little guy loves to sleep atop of the sofa,  especially once the kids are at school, and i bundled him up...  
This is a quick snap of his daily routine.

This little one is the son of a good friend of the family.  Nicholas is 4 months old, and such a cute and good baby.  I try my best to visit them at least once a month, and always end with cards full of pictures... 

This week my nephew turned 3, that means the entire family  got together to celebrate Mattita.  As always i took hundreds of little glimpses of the happy celebration.  

He made sure to blow his imaginary fire.

Here he is being a "Momma's Boy"...  He loves to be in his mother's arms, and she is always willing to cradle him in...

These two crazy cousins are definitely made for each other.  It is nice to see them grow up together and how the relationship is getting stronger each day.

It is easy to see that i love my family, they are my favorite subjects to shoot. This picture by far is one of my favorites;  it shows my autistic little sister lovingly resting on my husband.  She barely smiles for pictures, but always likes to lean on Roger for comfort, and he always willingly lends his shoulder... How i love them both!!

My Hubby and my little sister.   She loves us all in her special way.

And finally,  I had to snap this shot of my daughter and I as we were about to leave and run errands.  It is funny that we both have the same taste in sneakers.  I think it is great, she is just not impressed with that...

We are almost the same shoe size.  She is the one on the right.

These are just  a tiny percentage of the over 500 shots from this week,  yes! i took over 500 glimpses of my life, and they will all be treasured for as long as i can enjoy them...  So pick up your camera, take a picture, cherish the little moments of your every day life.

See you next week!

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